Waiatarua Operational Support

Travelling through Waiatarua is the only way from Auckland to the west coast communities. If one of the arterial roads is blocked, it can mean a very long detour, or sometimes hours with no traffic flow. That's where the Operational Support comes in as a very useful resource.
About 30% of Waiatarua Brigade's calls are motor vehicle crashes, and around 10% are storm-related road closures, e.g. trees or powerlines down, so they often request Operational Support if it's likely to be a long-duration incident. Both the Brigade's own OS crew, and other members from Auckland OSU who turn out, play an absolutely vital role helping Waiatarua VFB with traffic management, and are very much appreciated.

Waiatarua Operational Support
Officer in charge : CFO Kevin Healy
Number of members : 3
Response vehicle : Waiatarua 7129
Contact Details
Contact name : CFO Kevin Healy
Address : Waiatarua Fire Station
464A Scenic Drive
Phone number : (021) 955 742
Email address : kevin.healy@fireandemergency.nz
Contact : CFO Kevin Healy
Phone : (021) 955 742
Email : kevin.healy@fireandemergency.nz
Page updated : June 2021